The Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD) is an EU directive with the aim of improving water quality in the European Union. The original directive dates back to 1991 and was recently revised. The revision provides for the introduction of a “fourth treatment stage” and focuses on the removal of micropollutants such as pharmaceutical residues and components of cosmetics from wastewater. This requires the use of advanced technologies such as ozonation and activated carbon filtration in wastewater treatment plants. The directive stipulates that wastewater treatment plants with a population equivalent of more than 150,000 and smaller plants in defined risk areas must implement these technologies.
Keyfacts of UWWTD are:
- Advanced wastewater treatment: removal of micropollutants using new technologies.
- Monitoring & measurements: Regular monitoring and reporting of pollutants in wastewater and sewage sludge.
- Cost sharing (extended producer responsibility): Manufacturers of medicinal products for human use and cosmetics should contribute to the costs of the fourth purification stage.
The planned implementation plan envisages a gradual assumption of costs by the manufacturers:
For large wastewater treatment plants (from 150,000 population equivalents):
- 20% of the costs by the end of 2033: By this time, manufacturers are to assume 20% of the costs incurred for investment and operation of the fourth treatment stage.
- 60% of the costs by the end of 2039: The producers' share of the costs increases to 60%.
- 100% of the costs by the end of 2045: From this point onwards, manufacturers should bear the entire costs of the fourth treatment stage.
For wastewater treatment plants in defined risk areas (10,000-150,000 population equivalents):
- 10% of the costs by the end of 2033: By this time, manufacturers should bear 10% of the costs incurred for investment and operation of the fourth purification stage.
- 30% of the costs by the end of 2036: The manufacturers' share of the costs increases to 30%.
- 60% of the costs by the end of 2039: The manufacturers' share of the costs increases to 60%.
- 100% of the costs by the end of 2045: From this point onwards, manufacturers should bear the entire costs of the fourth purification stage.
In Germany, this affects around 150 large wastewater treatment plants and an estimated 450-600 plants in risk areas.
Development of the directive:
- 2019: Evaluation of the existing UWWTD by the European Commission.
- 2019-2022: Studies and consultations with stakeholders.
- October 2022: European Commission proposal for the revised UWWTD.
- October 8, 2024: Confirmation by the Environment Committee of the European Parliament (ENVI)
- October 23, 2024: Confirmation by the Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER).
- November 5, 2024: Adoption by the Council of the European Union.
- December 12, 2024: Publication in the Official Journal of the EU
- January 1, 2025: coming into force
Next steps:
- Publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.
- Transposition of the directive into national law by the member states.
- Assumption of extended producer responsibility by manufacturers (the exact start date depends on the publication date in the Official Journal - January 1, 2028 if published before 12.12.2024, otherwise January 1, 2029).