The general meeting

Extraordinary General Meeting March 2024

Pharma Deutschland invites its members to the General Assembly once a year. Alongside the Executive Board, the General Assembly is one of the bodies of the association. Its tasks include electing members of the Executive Board and passing resolutions on amendments to the Articles of Association.

The next General Assembly of Pharma Deutschland will take place on September 10 and 11, 2024 in Berlin.

On March 14, 2024, the BAH held an extraordinary general meeting in Frankfurt am Main at the "Kap Europa" congress center. During this meeting, the ordinary member companies entitled to vote voted 97% in favor of a new statute and a name change.

The BAH will be renamed "Pharma Deutschland" once it has been entered in the register of associations. Under the new name, the association will be able to expand its political representation of the industry's interests and represent the entire spectrum of manufacturers of prescription and over-the-counter medicines.

The majority of members also voted in favor of a new membership fee structure and membership of the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI). In its future form, the association will offer an even more comprehensive service for its members, including with the help of its future regional associations, and will be the leading point of contact for politicians and all stakeholders in the healthcare sector.

During the board elections, new heads were elected to the association's highest body. The current BAH Executive Board and the future Executive Board of Pharma Deutschland can be found on the "Management Board" page.

Specialist presentations rounded off the event. Michael Hennrich, Managing Director Politics, reported on current pharmaceutical legislation in Germany. Dr. Elmar Kroth, Managing Director Science, gave an outlook on the revision of EU pharmaceutical legislation, the European Urban Waste Water Directive and the EU Packaging Regulation.

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